Extensive refurbishment of existing existing pub and erection of 4-5 storey rear extension accommodating 9 self-contained flats
The development restores and celebrates the existing locally listed building with a sensitive single storey roof extension, restoring much of the original façade detailing, materials and design intent. The development also includes the removal of more recent adjunctive ancillary buildings to the rear and replace them with a new modern apartment building, which uses a similar material palette and language to the adjacent pub, but with a modern approach.
The development safeguards the future of the pub for the community, whilst providing much needed residential accommodation within the Borough.
The renovations to the pub building reinstate the original aesthetic. Painting the ground floor in a light off-white finish, whilst removing the render to the first floor, reinstating and cleaning up the original brickwork.
The additional floor to the pub building is proposed as a traditional pyramid mansard roof with dark slate finish.
The rhythm and configuration of the new façade gives a clear residential scale to the new part 4, part 5 storey building. The new building continues the facade proportions set out on the existing pub, with a setback fourth floor. This new residential extension merges successfully the geometry of a public house and the rhythm of a residential block. The large parapet of the third floor combined with setback fourth floor reduces the overall massing of the building and minimises the visual impact when viewed from street level.
With regard to the residential parts, the scheme accommodates 9 self-contained flats, comprising 1 x 1b1p, 4 x 1b2p, 2 x 2b3p and 2 x 3b4p. The proposed rear extension accommodates a new core, accessed from Barnabas Road, serving all upper levels of the host and new building. The core provides access via stair and DDA complaint lift.
Each flat has been designed to be in accordance with London Plan standards and benefit from double or triple aspect.
The development is expected to be delivered as car free, secured by legal agreement given the high PTAL.
Designed by – http://www.fourfoursixsix.com/