Residential redevelopment comprising 8 flats and 1 detached modern home
The Site comprises a fairly non-descript detached, two-storey building located on the western side of Manor Park, south of the junction with Lee High Road. The Site benefits from a double frontage, with the rear of the Site fronting Weardale Road. The property is 1960’s built, and currently operates as a small HMO (Use Class C3/C4). The Site is underdeveloped, having regard to the established context.
The development seeks the demolition of the existing property, allowing the erection of a four-storey residential building more befitting the size and scale of development established along Manor Park. The proposed building accommodates 8 residential units, comprising 2 x 3b6p, 1 x 2b4p, 3 x 2b3p and 2 x 1b2p flats. The development also infills along Weardale Road, with the erection of a detached 3 bed dwellinghouse, which follows recent developments of single contemporary dwellinghouses along Weardale Road.
Design by 31/44 Architects.