Redevelopment of locally listed pub, comprising 53 new build flats together with restored pub for community use
The site occupies a prominent position on the corner of the High Road and St Chad’s Road in Chadwell Heath. The 0.32 hectare site accommodates the locally listed White Horse Public House, arranged over basement (cellar), ground and first floor levels.
The development will demolish the single storey rear wing and other ad-hoc extensions to the Public House to allow the construction of part 3, part 4-storey buildings comprising 49 flats (15 x 1-bed, 20 x 2-bed and, 14 x 3-bed flats). The upper floors of the Public House are to be converted to provide 3 x 1-bed and 1 x 2-bed flats. Landscaping improvements along the High Road and St Chad’s Road frontages comprise additional mature street trees. The development also includes landscaping proposals for the rear Public House garden and a new residential courtyard.
The design approach followed extensive pre-application process with LBBD, with several iterations and amendments to the design presented to officers at the pre-application and application stages. The resulting height of the new buildings at predominantly 4-storeys will be taller than many of the immediate buildings in the vicinity, however officers were satisfied with the number of design approaches adopted to reduce the impact of the new buildings on the Public House and surrounding area.
The scheme is delivered as car free, one of the first in this part of the borough, following the Council’s decision to extend the CPZ boundaries earlier this year.
The redevelopment of the site will deliver much needed housing including affordable housing and refurbish and bring into use a heritage asset for a local community use, retaining the existing Public House and including measures intended to ensure its ongoing operation (e.g. capping rent for 20 years).