Exemplary conversion of former warehouse to office HQ of one of the UKs leading fashion retailers
Together with Spacelab, NT+A secured planning permission for the conversion of the ground floor industrial use of Boden House to B1 office floorspace, while creating additional office space on new mezzanine levels. The redevelopment also included the erection of a new entrance porch, and drastic improvements to what had been a disjointed and uninspired design
Several planning applications for increased office space had been approved for the site over the previous ten years. However, this application consolidated this fragmented planning history within one major proposal that also sought to address the building’s low quality façade design. The approved design has addressed the concerns raised by the clothing company’s previous tongue-in-cheek signage (“Ugly building. Nice clothes.”), as well as allowing for a new building envelope that will encompasses 10,000 m² of office floorspace.